Tuesday 30 June 2009

Rejected Star Wars merchandise

I don't normally do this as I aim to keep the things on this blog design-y or pretty, and the things mentioned today are neither. But when I came across this I couldn't help myself. This is for all you geeks out there and for my internal geek.

I actually think these merchandise are well thought out, I'm just not sure how well they'll market. Click here to check out the rest. Jabba the Hutt beanbag and the galatic big game trophies rate an extreme 11 on my lame-o-meter but they make me laugh.

Thursday 25 June 2009

Time flies when you're young

It seems I have approached the period in my life where some of my friends are starting to get hitched. I came across Stephanie Williams who takes some really quirky and cute photos of weddings and engagements, among other shots of people.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Useless but Hilarious

Random Capitalisation. The completely redundant use of capitals. I usually try to avoid it as we are not living in Germany and I've been told off a few times for doing it. But tonight I just felt like it. SO THERE.

Another thing that is completely unnecessary is this:

They're handmade beards by Erin who lives in Portland. The beards come with ear loops on the ends keep them secure. I'm assuming one size fits most.

Like I said, completely useless but they do make me laugh. And for the facial hair challenged, they make you look manly and keep your face warm. You can buy them at her shop here.

Since we're on the topic of beards I would like to share one of my favourite songs by the Scottish band Cocteau Twins, Bluebeard. The lyrics are absolutely tosh but I love the melody and overlapping vocals. Faye Wong has done a version of this song in her album Fu Zao.